Hvad Gør Forex Market Unique?


Der er en række faktorer, der gør Forex markedet unik. Mange af disse faktorer kan have enorme fordele for erhvervsdrivende i hele verden. To af de vigtigste er den høje grad af gearing og den ekstremt høje likviditet.

Forex markeder har nogle unikke funktioner, der giver en uforlignelig potentiale for rentable valuta handel i enhver markedssituation. En erhvervsdrivende behøver ikke vente på den ’åbne klokke’ som i tilfældet med udveksling og har mulighed for at benytte alle frugtbare markedsforhold til enhver tid. Da Valutamarkedet er det mest likvide marked i universet, handlende kan komme ind eller forlade området på deres vilje i enhver markedsbaseret betingelse.

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As stated above, compared to the equity markets, Forex markets offer high leverage ratio. Although high leverage offers high profits, it may also expose the trader to extreme losses. Under normal market conditions, the bid/ask spread is less than 0.1% (10 kerner). In the case of larger dealers, the spread could be smaller and may expand a lot in fast moving markets.

A bear market or a bull market for a particular currency is defined in terms of the positive or negative outlook of its future value against other currencies. If the outlook is positive, there exists a bull market for that currency where a trader would like to buy the said currency against other currencies. På den anden side, if the outlook is negative, there is a bull market for the other currencies against the said currency where a trader will be forced to sell that currency against other currencies. This way, the Foreign Exchange market is always a bull market and for traders there is always a bull market trading chance.

Telephones and electronic networks help the global network of Forex traders to communicate and engage in trade with their clients. No organized exchange is there to facilitate transactions in Foreign Exchange market unlike in the case of equity markets. It is not possible for a single trader or even a central bank to control the market price for so long that the Forex market is so huge with numerous participants. When interventions are made even by mighty central banks, results turn to be ineffective and short-lived. For this reason, central banks are becoming little interested in interfering to manipulate market prices.

The Foreign Exchange market is known to be an unregulated market although banking laws regulate the activities of major dealers like commercial banks in money centers. No law specific to the Forex market controls the retail Forex brokerages in their daily operations and many of such institutions in the United States do not even give reports to the Internal Revenue Service.

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