O que é um Forex japonês Candlestick?


O Castiçal japonês é um antigo método de análise dos mercados. Este método foi originalmente usado para o comércio de arroz no Japão há muitos séculos atrás, Contudo, no final do século 20 começou a ser utilizado no mundo ocidental. análise japonês Candlestick é agora um dos melhores métodos que os recém-chegados à negociação Forex precisam ficar sob os cintos.

Talvez a primeira coisa que devemos cobrir com relação ao Candlestick japonês é como formá-los. Embora seja um método difícil, Não se preocupe, não é muito difícil de fazer. O ideal seria realizar um pouco mais pesquisa do que o que eu digo aqui embora.
A Forex japonês Candlestick pode ser desenhado para qualquer período de tempo que você deseja. Por exemplo, você pode desenhá-lo durante o período de um dia, um mês, ou até mesmo uma hora (embora é claro que você precisa ser rápido se você fazê-lo assim!). Isto é como você ir sobre como desenhar um Forex japonês Candlestick.

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The first thing you will need to draw on your chart is a line for the opening and your closing price on the market. Connect these up to form a box. If the opening price is lower than the close price then leave the box ‘hollow’, if it is the opposite way around then make it shaded.

The next stage is to draw a line out of each end, not just any line though! At the top of the candlestick you will need to draw a line which leads to the highest price for that day. Out of the bottom you will need to draw a line down to the lowest price. You should be left with a pretty picture, Contudo, that isn’t going to benefit your trading is it? Instead we will need to learn how to analyse your Japanese Candlestick Charts.

If you have a small body (the box in the centre) but lines which extend pretty far in either way then you have what is known as a ‘spinning top’. This isn’t an ideal candlestick chart because it shows during the period that you are measuring that traders couldn’t decide which way the market was going to trade. Not ideal as it indicates instability. I recommend not trading when this occurs.
The next type of candlestick that could be formed is known as the Marubozu. This occurs when there is no lines extending out of either the bottom or the top of the candlestick. This indicates that either buyers or sellers are in control of the session (depending on whether you have a black or white body), it is your decision as to how to best proceed with this trade. Read up more about this type of candlestick to find more about it.

Doji’s are a Japanese Candlestick Chart which is without a doubt the most complex to ‘define’. This occurs when the opening and close price is almost (or is) exactly the same. However you will have lines extending either side of the chart. You will need to look at the previous charts to see what is happening here. I won’t go into depth on this as it won’t be a pattern you notice much, although you do need to be aware of it.

This is just a highlight of the basics of Japanese Candlesticks. If you are using Japanese Candlestick Analysis there is so much more you need to learn, particularly with regards to other types of candlesticks that you can draw. It is absolutely vital you learn this information though, otherwise you won’t have any real success when you trade Forex.

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