All About Candlestick Charting (All About Series)


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"Wayne Corbitt has introduced a wonderfully informed book on Japanese candlestick analysisThis book should be in the library of every technical analyst who shows even the slightest interest in Japanese candlestick analysis."
Gregory L. Morris, author of Candlestick Charting Explained and Chief Technical Analyst and Chairman of the Investment Committee for Stadion Money Management
All About Candlestick Charting covers all of the basics of this 250-year-old Japanese trading method and explains how to combine it with contemporary Western technical analysis tools. The result is a powerful trading synergy that gives you an edge over the competition every minute of the trading day. Even if you have no experience with candlesticks, this guide will open your eyes to a style of trading that will greatly enhance your understanding of the markets. All About Candlestick Charting provides all there is to know about: Candlestick construction, analysis, reversal patterns, and continuation patterns Combining candlestick patterns with Western technical analysis tools, such as trends, support and resistance, momentum indicators, and volume Alternative charting methods, including Three-Line Break charts, Renko charts, and Kagi charts

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