Amish Murder (Ettie Smith Amish Mysteries) (Volume 2)

 Luchdaich sìos

Prìs Amazon: $12.99 $12.99 Sàbhalaidh tu: (%) (bhon Iuchar 11, 2018 3:56 pm – Mion-fhiosrachadh). Tha prìsean toraidh agus ruigsinneachd ceart mar an ceann-latha / àm a chaidh ainmeachadh agus faodaidh iad atharrachadh. Bidh fiosrachadh mu phrìs is ruigsinneachd sam bith a thèid a thaisbeanadh air làrach Amazon aig àm an ceannach a ’buntainn ri ceannach an toraidh seo.

When a former Amish woman, Camille Esh, is murdered, the new detective in town is frustrated that no one in the Amish community will speak to him. The detective reluctantly turns to Ettie Smith for help. Soon after Ettie agrees to see what she can find out, the dead woman's brother, Jacob, is arrested for the murder. To prove Jacob's innocence, Ettie delves into the mysterious and secretive life of Camille Esh, and uncovers one secret after another. Will Ettie be able to find proof that Jacob is innocent, even though the police have DNA evidence against him, and documentation that proves he's guilty? Can Ettie uncover the real murderer amongst the many people who had reasons to want Camille dead?

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Cha tèid do sheòladh puist-d fhoillseachadh. Tha raointean riatanach air an comharrachadh *


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CUDROMACH! Airson a bhith comasach air a dhol air adhart, feumaidh tu am matamataigs sìmplidh a leanas fhuasgladh (mar sin tha fios againn gur e duine a th ’annad) :-)