Barron’s Guide to Making Investment Decisions: Revised & Expanded


Amazon Price: $25.00 (per juli 11, 2018 2:47 pm – detaljer). Produktpriser og tilgjengelighet er nøyaktige fra datoen / klokkeslettet som er angitt og kan endres. All informasjon om pris og tilgjengelighet som vises på Amazon-siden på kjøpstidspunktet, vil gjelde for kjøp av dette produktet.

Revised, expanded and updatedthe new edition of the bestselling guide backed by the name people trust.

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Deciding where and how to invest money can be almost as hard as earning it. That's why thousands of investors have already used the first edition of Barron's Guide to Making Investment Decisions to devise a personal lifetime investment program that minimizes risk and adapts easily to changing financial circumstances and goals. Retaining the original's basic strategies and easy-to-read style, this fresh edition has been substantially retooled to address the very latest economic, market and investment trends.

More attention is given to areas such as mutual funds, foreign investments and emerging markets, different types of money managers, and tax law changes.

There is also completely updated information on stocks and the newest developments in bonds, and examples throughout have been changed to reflect the current investment landscape. Keeping pace with the times to offer investors reliable and understandable advice on managing their investments for the long-term, the new Barron's will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor as a strong and consistent seller.

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