Be a Successful Forex Trader ( Trend Following Mentor)


Amazon Price: Жок (июль айына карата 11, 2018 2:59 саат – Толук маалымат). Продукциянын баалары жана жеткиликтүүлүгү көрсөтүлгөн күнгө / убакытка карата так жана өзгөрүлүшү мүмкүн. Сатып алуу учурунда Amazon сайтында көрсөтүлгөн бардык баалар жана жеткиликтүүлүк жөнүндө маалымат ушул өнүмдү сатып алууга колдонулат.

How to Profit & Succeed in the Markets in Ways you never thought of. Successful trading is not what you think.
There’s more To Trading than Just Having a Strategy
In trading magazines as well as web sites that list trading system results they all seem to highlight “the trading strategy of the month”.

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If it were so simple to buy one of these systems you would have retirement in a box.

The problem is that strategies Do NOT make a good trader.

This book is not about any magical methodology or indicator that claims win rates of 80% or more (by the way the vast majority only lose money chasing these type of concepts). Actually this book will hopefully give you an “AHA” experience what successful investing is really all about. True successful investing is never taught in school or even graduate school. More so in my career spanning more than 19 years I never came across a book that really taught what successful investing is. This book was written for my children whom I have been teaching trading since they have been 12 and 13. It was written for them in order to be independent traders that are consistent and profitable over long periods of time.

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Бул жазуу жарыяланган Forex Trading EA, Чуйская, Videos, Китептер жана белгиленген , , , . Bookmark the туруктуу байланыш.

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