Beat the Odds in Forex Trading: How to Identify and Profit from High Percentage Market Patterns (Wiley Trading)


Harga pikeun Amazon: $60.00 $29.54 Anjeun salamet: $30.46 (51%) (sakumaha dina Juli 12, 2018 1:28 pm – Rincian). Harga produk sareng kasadiaan pas sakumaha tanggal / waktu anu ditunjuk sareng tiasa robih. Sakur inpormasi harga sareng kasadiaan anu ditingal dina situs Amazon dina waktos pameseran bakal dilarapkeun kanggo mésér produk ieu.

"Beat the Odds in Forex Trading provides traders with tremendous value by disseminating the trading methods and philosophy of one of the most remarkable Forex success stories since Soros."
Alexander De Khtyar, President, Forex International Investments, Nyarita.

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Add certainty and systematization into Forex trading with this practical approach. Author and industry professional Igor Toshchakov shows how recurring market patternswhich can be recognized on a simple bar chartcan be successfully used to trade the Forex market. Written for traders at every level, this valuable resource discusses the challenges of developing a trading method, while revealing the Toshchakov's approach to the marketboth from a philosophical and tactical point of view. You'll discover specific trading strategies based on recognizable market patterns, get detailed information on entry and exit points, profit targets, stop losses, risk evaluation, and much more.

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