Candlestick Charting Explained: Timeless Techniques for Trading Stocks and Futures

 Luchdaich sìos

Prìs Amazon: $37.95 (bhon Iuchar 11, 2018 7:52 pm – Mion-fhiosrachadh). Tha prìsean toraidh agus ruigsinneachd ceart mar an ceann-latha / àm a chaidh ainmeachadh agus faodaidh iad atharrachadh. Bidh fiosrachadh mu phrìs is ruigsinneachd sam bith a thèid a thaisbeanadh air làrach Amazon aig àm an ceannach a ’buntainn ri ceannach an toraidh seo.

Japanese candlesticks are one of the most important technical tools used in the market. Candlestick Charting Explained demonstrates how candlestick charts can be used to identify and anticipate price patterns in the financial and commodity markets. A comprehensive and authoritative overview, Candlestick Charting Explained describes how to combine candlestick charts with other technical tools to identify profitable trades. Clearly written and illustrated, this is a superb book for any trader who wants to master this powerful trading system.
Specific topics include: Candlestick charts versus bar charts Philosophy of candlestick pattern recognition Reversal and continuation pattern recognition Reversal and continuation patterns using candlesticks Trading with candlesticks

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