Candlestick Charting Explained Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master Candlestick Charting


Prezz tal-Amazon: $34.00 $22.72 Int issalva: $11.28 (33%) (minn Lulju 11, 2018 10:19 pm – Dettalji). Il-prezzijiet tal-prodott u d-disponibbiltà huma eżatti mid-data / il-ħin indikati u huma suġġetti għal tibdil. Kull informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u d-disponibbiltà murija fuq is-sit tal-Amazon fil-ħin tax-xiri tapplika għax-xiri ta 'dan il-prodott.

A practical, hands-on guide to building your mastery of candlestick charting and analysis
Candlestick charting has become one of today’s most popular technical analysis tools for both individual and professional investors. And it’s much easier than you probably think. In fact, creating a candlestick chart demands no more information than traditional charting requires. With candle pattern analysis, the payoff is a deeper look into the minds of investors and a clearer view of supply and demand dynamics.
In this companion volume to his bestselling Candlestick Charting Explained, Gregory L. Morris delivers hands-on knowledge you need to make candlestick charting and analysis a key element of your portfolio-building strategy. With this book you will be able to: Identify candle patterns and quickly see what traders and investors are thinking Use reversal patterns to enter or reverse your positions Identify continuation patterns to establish additional positions Utilize charting software to recognize patterns automatically
Packed with study questions, data tables, diagnostic tools, terminology, sample charts, and market analyses, Candlestick Charting Explained Workbook helps you speed up the learning process and ramp up the profits.

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