Category Archives: Broker de Forex ECN

Cómo elegir su corredor de Forex adecuado

What business model does the broker use? Some brokers are market makers while others are ECN brokers, providing a dealing desks for many traders.
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Cómo encontrar buenos corredores de Forex

Then, there are market makers who are constant buyers and sellers of the Forex market. When an investor buys a currency and decides to sell it a second later, market makers stand by and buy the currency, even when there is no buyer interested in that currency at the moment. You can look at market markers as the go-between, buying and selling currency when they become available.
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Publicado en Broker de Forex ECN | Etiquetado , , , , | Deja un comentario

Elegir un bróker de Forex adecuado para sus operaciones de Forex

Three: You need to make sure you know what services they offer. Do they offer the currencies that are the most important, (AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY AND USD)? Find out what whether their operating hours align with the Global Forex market’s hour of operations.

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Publicado en Broker de Forex ECN | Etiquetado , , , | Deja un comentario

Broker de Forex ECN: dukascopia (suiza) En revisión

Dukascopy Bank is a regulated Swiss Bank and it provides Forex trading accounts to private individuals and institutional clients.
The minimal order size is 1000 units of the primary currency. sigue leyendo

Publicado en Broker de Forex ECN | Etiquetado , , , , , , , | Deja un comentario