Doctor Fate Vol. 1: El preu de la sang


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Escriptor llegendari PAUL LEVITZ (LLEGIÓ DE SUPER-HEROES, JSA) i l’aclamat il·lustrador SONNY LIEW (LA MEVA FE EN FRANKIE) presentar l’Univers DC a una totalment nova encarnació del Doctor Fate!

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A l’actualitat de Brooklyn, Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, has called up a great flood in order to cleanse the world. If left unchecked, his magic has the power to wash all of humanity away.

To turn the rising tide and save mankind, Nabu the Wise, the mystical helmet of Fate, must choose a new champion from among Earth’s greatest heroes—instead, he settles on Khalid “Kent” Nassour, Egyptian-American first-year med student.

Unfortunately for the inexperienced and overwhelmed Khalid, instructions for his new abilities can’t be found in any of his textbooks. Unless he can learn to harness the ancient power of Nabu, Anubis will claim everything the new Doctor Fate holds dear, including his family, his girlfriend and the world as he knows it.

Yes, the Doctor is in…way over his head.

Collects issues #1-7 and DC SNEAK PEEK: DOCTOR FATE #1.

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