Elliot Wave Simplified: Making Stock Market Profits With R. N. Elliott’s Simple Theory (Simplified Series Book 2)


Amazon Price: Жок (июль айына карата 11, 2018 1:54 саат – Толук маалымат). Продукциянын баалары жана жеткиликтүүлүгү көрсөтүлгөн күнгө / убакытка карата так жана өзгөрүлүшү мүмкүн. Сатып алуу учурунда Amazon сайтында көрсөтүлгөн бардык баалар жана жеткиликтүүлүк жөнүндө маалымат ушул өнүмдү сатып алууга колдонулат.

"Puts Elliott Wave theory into terms all traders can understand and successfully apply." – Larry Jacobs, Traders World Magazine

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Elliott Wave Theory is a highly effective tool to help determine the financial condition of a given stock and how it will perform in the near future. With the help of this book, investors will be able to easily understand and apply Elliott Wave Theory, and profit from the results! This book also shows you how to:

Combine Elliott Wave Theory with other technical analysis methods to produce optimal results.

Utilize methods for anticipating, and profiting from, both long-term and short-term moves among listed stocks.

Gain from real-time examples of stock market forecast and analysis.

Use the practical information and numerous charts in this book as a hedge against adverse moves in the financial market-you'll be glad you did!

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