Elliott Wave Trading: Principles and Trading Strategies


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Run Time: 71 minutes. The Elliott Wave Principle provides a comprehensive method of technical analysis based on crowd psychology and chart pattern recognition. In this 71-minute presentation, accomplished Elliott wave analyst Jeffrey Kennedy demonstrates how to turn simple Elliott wave analysis into trading strategies you can apply to almost any marketfrom stocks to forex to commodities.

1000pip ገንቢ ማውረድ

You will learn how the Wave Principle helps you to identify the trend and countertrend moves; how to see when the trend is likely to end and resume; how to spot high-confidence trade setups and price targets; and how to manage risk by identifying price points that invalidate your outlook.

Kennedy shows you the four waves within a basic Elliott wave pattern that offer the best trading opportunities. You will also learn how to trade a variety of wave patternssuch as zigzags, triangles, flats and diagonalsas well as how to manage risk with clear entry, exit and stop levels.

Elliott Wave Trading: Principles and Trading Strategies takes you from the basics all the way to real-world application, via these useful lessons: Which Elliott wave patterns are the most important Which waves are best to tradeand which waves you should skip How to find high-confidence trade setups How to either execute your tradeor know when to stand aside How to incorporate supporting technical analysis methods to add confidence to your outlook

Filled with examples from actual markets, Kennedy's high-energy presentation is easy to understand. Once you have viewed this DVD, you will know how to translate Elliott wave theory into real-world trading strategies.

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