Foreign Currency Trading: From the Fundamentals to the Fine Points


Amazon Cena: $39.95 (od července 12, 2018 12:02 odpoledne – podrobnosti). ceny a dostupnosti produktu jsou přesné k datu / času je uvedeno a podléhají změnám. Každá cena a dostupnost informací zobrazených na webu Amazon v době nákupu se bude vztahovat na nákup tohoto produktu.

The opportunities for unmatched returns and investment protection in the brave new world of foreign currency investing are second to none. In Foreign Currency Trading, financial executives Russell Wasendorf, Sr., and Russell Wasendorf, Jr., describe foreign currency trading in plain terms, and help you understand the risks, benefits, and operational requirements that you will need to take advantage of this market’s tremendous potential. Look to Foreign Currency Trading for clear explanations on the mechanics of foreign currency trading, in-depth discussion of all pertinent foreign exchange rules and regulations, and a comprehensive glossary with literally hundreds of terms essential to forex trading. With formerly imposing currency trading restrictions having been struck down in recent court rulings, the world of foreign currency trading is an exciting and rapidly-expanding field. Let Wasendorf and Wasendorf’s Foreign Currency Trading be your comprehensive guidebook for effectively taking advantage of this exciting opportunity, not only as a source of unmatched income and profits, but also as a sophisticated hedging instrument in any investment portfolio.

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