אויסלענדישע וואלוטע: The Complete Deal: A comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of the Forex market (Applied Essentials)


אַמאַזאָן פּרייס: $56.99 $39.11 דו לייגסט אוועק: $17.88 (31%) (ווי פון יולי 11, 2018 12:15 נאָכמיטאָג – דעטאַילס). פּראָדוקט פּרייסיז און אַוויילאַבילאַטי זענען פּינטלעך פון די אנגעוויזן דאַטע / צייט און קענען זיין געביטן. קיין אינפֿאָרמאַציע וועגן פּרייַז און אַוויילאַבילאַטי וואָס איז געוויזן אויף דעם אַמאַזאָן פּלאַץ אין די צייט פון קויפן, וועט זיין גילטיק פֿאַר די קויפן פון דעם פּראָדוקט.

The foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world. In recent years its volatility has been especially pronounced, which has posed problems for investors, companies and governments attempting to manage their economies. The management of exchange rates has become integral to economic performance and to the political landscape.

1000pip בילדער אראפקאפיע

'Foreign Exchange, The Complete Deal', part of Harriman House's Applied Essentials series, is a comprehensive guide to this broad and exciting market, and how it is traded. James Sharpe, a foreign exchange practitioner with more than 30 years' experience, unravels the important features of the Forex market to give a clear understanding of the issues and processes involved in foreign exchange transactions.

This book begins with an exploration of the historical and theoretical background to the markets as they exist today. The transition from a fixed exchange rate system to a floating system is examined and insight is given on the processes that determine exchange rates and how the system employed impacts government policy. There is also a detailed section about the influence interventions by central banks have on the market.

The focus then moves to foreign exchange in practice, the core of the book. טעמעס קאַווערד אַרייַננעמען:

The range of foreign exchange transactions availableincluding spot, forward, broken date, non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), swaps and optionsand how they can be used, with clearly worked examples
How foreign exchange prices are quoted, bid-offer spreads and pips
How foreign exposures are hedged
How banks and dealers cover their exposure in the market and make profits
A discussion of tools that are used to analyse the market, including technical analysis
Factors that influence foreign exchange prices on a daily basis including a detailed look at liquidity
How professional traders analyse markets and provide a blueprint for professional trading
How best to choose and manage the relationship with foreign exchange providers

This is an indispensable guide for those who need to understand more about the commercial realities of currency trading and hedging, providing a clear and thorough explanation of the complete world of foreign exchange.

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דעם פּאָזיציע איז געווען אַרייַנגעשיקט אין Forex Trading עאַ, עבאָאָקס, ווידיאס, ספר און טאַגד , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark די פּערמאַלינק.

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