Forex Nyaéta devisa


Éta tiasa janten kejutan pikeun jalma anyar investasi, tapi Forex mangrupikeun pasar panggedéna di dunya. Forex mangrupikeun bentuk singget tina istilah Foreign Exchange, atanapi ngan saukur mata uang. Istilah-istilah ieu ngarujuk kana nilai moneter tina nilai artos hiji nagara (sakumaha diukur ku denominasi nilai-tunggal pangageungna di nagara éta) sareng biasana diukur dibandingkeun sareng unit mata uang anu dianggo ku nagara dimana investorna mangrupikeun warga nagara.

Ukuran anu Forex dianggap pasar pangageungna nyaéta dina hal nilai tunai didagangkeun, sareng éta digunakeun ku unggal jenis investasi anu tiasa dibayangkeun, ti individu (anu ngagunakeun calo atanapi bank) ka pamaréntah ka firma perbankan internasional. Forex pohara populér kusabab likuiditas ekstrim sareng kapasitas waktos na (kalayan tilu pasar saham ageung dibuka dinten salami saminggu, dimungkinkeun pikeun tukeur mata uang asing dina unggal jam beurang). Likuiditas mangrupikeun istilah anu pondok pikeun likuiditas pasar, anu ngarujuk kana kamampuan pikeun gancang mésér atanapi ngajual tanpa nyababkeun turun naek dramatis dina harga. Salaku mata uang pikeun nagara-nagara ditangtoskeun kalolobaan internal (domestik) faktor tibatan anu luar, Forex henteu tunduk kana fluks anu disababkeun ku jual beuli panik.

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As the industrial market place and arguably the defining center of the world, the dollar of the United States is used by far the most in Forex transactions. Involved in 89% of transactions, the US dollar was way ahead of other currencies, followed distantly by the euro (37%) and then the yen (20%). Remember that the numbers here do not add up to 100% because every transaction will contain at least two different currencies.

Forex speculators are a controversial topic among economists and politicians alike. One school of thought posits that currency speculation can contribute to a country’s economic downfall, as a lower currency value causes the price of inflation in comparison to imported goods to rise, snowballing the problem. Countries that are primarily exporters to a country with a higher currency value, kumaha oge, receive benefits when their dollar is lowered in comparison, as their goods are thus inherently easier to purchase. The opposing view to the speculators as instruments of economic downfall is that speculators serve to keep currency regulated according to international agreements, and that their profits are the results of basic economic laws. Those who subscribe to this theory often point out that the opposing view is held all too often by leaders seeking to deflect attention away from their own domestic policies when explaining to a populace why their economy is in the toilet.

Individuals wishing to become involved in the Forex market need to remember that they must do so through a broker or bank, bodies regulated by their governments and international agreements to prevent the unlawful profit resulting in economic damage to a different country. Investing through these bodies inevitably means that the individual will not see the full results of their investment, as they naturally provide some insulation for themselves against loss in the fluctuating market.

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