

在進行外匯交易時, 交易所需的時間框架可能成為大多數新交易者的問題. 通常發生的情況是新交易者通常不喜歡等待幾個小時然後檢查時間框架. 他們大多沒有經驗,想賺快錢. 另一方面, 有許多交易者喜歡保持非常老派和保守,並選擇長期框架,例如 1 小時甚至 4 小時. 這為他們提供了他們想要交易的貨幣的準確讀數,因此他們可以完全按照自己的意願行事.

然而, 對於每一種交易者, 不管大還是小, 新的或有經驗的, 首要任務應該是在多個時間範圍內進行交易. 完成後, 你得到一個安全網降落. 您選擇的具體時間範圍取決於您真正想賺多少錢以及您在交易市場的長期目標是什麼. 不斷改變你的時間框架並在時間框架之間留出足夠的差距總是好的,這樣貨幣就可以自行改變.


The main reason behind a multiple time frame trading is that it gives quite a lot of time for the traders to change their priorities according to the change in the values of the currency. In the long term, which can extend up to and year or more, the currencies can show a very stable exchange rates. 然而, when we break it down to medium time frame like a month, there will be more fluctuations in the rate while in shorter time frame like a day, there can be heavier fluctuations.

As a smart investor, you must believe in making the most of forex. Therefore multiple time frame trading becomes a must. The categorization of short, medium and long term trading can different from trader to trader. A trader who feels more comfortable in assessing the minute by minute records can choose a 1 minute, 5 minute and a 30 minute time frame in order to trade. 另一方面, traders who predict the long term exchanges right can go for a 1 小時, 4 hour and daily or weekly exchanges. The combination is entirely dependent on you and the kind of trading practice you feel best working at. Though make sure that in multiple time frame trading, deciding the gap between the time frames is very important. So always choose such timing that the currencies really get to change their dimensions.

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重要! 為了能夠繼續進行, 你需要解決以下幾個簡單的數學 (所以我們知道你是一個人) :-)