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Have you ever felt like wanting to knock the eff off your boss..
even if your boss was you? io ho! How about those people that you work with yeah man…this guy that you can’t stand?
Can you imagine waking up to no alarm and no dreaded cubical?
yeah man it’s possible! Get yourself off the way! Learn new skills.
Start to think like you really want get there.
WOOP!..WHAT THE HECK. You almost believed me. It aint gonna happen aunt eel (pon intended) this whole image and idea becomes part of you.
See I did that, I went to my boss and did what I am proposing for you to do. I still see myself standing in the office and punching the guy with a Brusly style “back hook” feast ,knock me out punch.
And then I woke up…
Yeah man, and like a reasonable guy in his 30ties decided that the cool thing will be to give up on my dream.
Fortunately I found a thing called FOREX..
See in FOREX, you don’t need to spend a life time to make money.
The market is not a person. The market can’t see, can’t hear. The market is deaf and dam and has every other sensor related abnormality you can imagine.
The market can care less who you are unless you are a foreign national institution or the FED, or anybody else that has the power to print money at will.
Così, to come back to my point you can make money as soon as you jump in.
The only difference between the people that can make money in Forex and the people that can make money in Forex, almost every freaking time, is the last doode knows why he is making the money.
So he is doo dah doo doo dancing his way to the bank.
Sooo…said all of the above to tell you this “This book can teach you how you can dance to the bank too”
The only pon and dancing around you will see in this book is in this summary, cause it’s made to entertain you.
All the hard core education inside can teach you how to trade and avoid the traps of your broker. Cause your broker aint stopping dancing. Your broker is dancing all the way, till he sees your tail out with a margin call. ( a margin call if you don’t know what it is it’s like a bank overdraft charge except worse, cause they not only charging you the penalty but also getting every single cent out of your account and all you are left with is the stinking scent of being broke)
Step by step methodical lessons with charting, that even a complete newbie can understand.
See all my hard lessons that eventually made their way in this book didn’t not come from the broker education section and the last webinar session. I am a member of at least a dozen paid forums where experienced traders pay to learn and share knowledge. After thousands of dollars spent I have compiled a simple and understandable material to teach you of how to trade the Forex game and survive and trive. Make yourself a favor and skip a lot of grief and buy this book.
OoOand don’t get fooled by the low price…The price is just reflecting my indignation to the rascal brokers and I have made every effort for the book to be affordable, so I don’t see you become a part of the regular daily Forex broker slaughter house. Enjoy!

1000Scarica pip Builder

Dettagli del prodotto

  • Dimensione del file: 1297 KB
  • Lunghezza stampa: 26 pagine
  • Venduto da: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • COME IN: B006YK7206
  • Text-to-Speech: Abilitato
  • Raggi X: Non abilitato
  • prestito: Abilitato

1000Scarica il sistema pip climber

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