Forex Trading Secrets : Little Dirty Secrets And Weird But Deadly Profitable Tricks To Crashing It With Forex And Easy Instant Forex Millionaire: … Escape 9-5, Lifðu hvar sem er, Vertu með í The New Rich


Amazon verð: $97.35 $93.46 Þú sparar: $3.89 (4%) (frá og með júlí 11, 2018 12:22 kl – Upplýsingar). Vöruverð og framboð eru nákvæm frá og með dagsetningu / tíma sem tilgreind er og geta breyst. Allar upplýsingar um verð og framboð sem birtast á Amazon-síðunni við kaupin eiga við um kaup á þessari vöru.

If you are already making thousands of dollars trading Forex and make a full time extravagant living taking a couple of trades a month, Þá, please skip this book and go find something else to do. Svo,on the other side, lifir þú í sjálfsafneitun sem eltir næst besta kerfið? STOP… Enough is enough, nógu háði frá ættingjum þínum og vinum, það er kominn tími til að sýna innyflin. Andlit það, hugsa um það, what would you think if you were on the other side looking through the eyes of your family and friends. Allt sem þú sérð er tapsár, getting ups and downs totally controlled by the next guru they read about. Doode ,þetta verður hætt! Treystu mér, Ég veit að þú finnur fyrir sársaukanum. I can kind of still remember it…kind of hard to do when I am sitting on my yacht in the Caribbean sipping from something that comes with umbrella on top. Sjá, það notaði ekki að vera svona,ekki of lengi, couple of years ago… but I will tell you about that later in my letter Ha! Fremri viðskipti eru ekki allt sem það er sprungið upp til að vera, it is a hard game controlled by robots and banks and foreign sovereign institutions. Keep reading if you know where I am coming from… Things didn’t used to be all pink for me either,sársauki,tap,closed one losing account,opnaði aðra,heard of such and such broker giving a certain deal on lots opened another account, lost all the money,byrjaði í mini, þjóðhagsleg,regular lots… Does that sound familiar,reyndu að líta utan frá,Forex is for crazy people, brjálaðir sigurvegarar eða brjálaðir taparar. Núna,ef þetta eru fyrstu samskipti þín við Fremri,I am really sorry you had to hear this small talk. Ég vil frekar vera fíni gaurinn,fremur vera fagnaðarerindið, en takk,ekki drepa sendiboðann, this is the bloody truth in Forex. Þú getur verið reiður út í mig á þessari stundu,but soon will come the moment you will thank me . Eða þú myndir frekar lenda í því að fá góðan sérfræðing sem segir þér allar lygar, and how he can help you open a 10k account with a secret advantage. Or worse He can even offer to manage your 10k,if you so willingly send him a check for the whole amount. The book you are about to read is the hard learned secrets of the successful traders and brokers and I am putting it all out for you. Sjá ég þarf ekki raunverulega 10 dalir,but I am making sure you appreciate the value you are getting. Ég hef gert hlutabréf mín viðskipti á markaðnum, paid for all the yachts cars and toys and the farm, nú er komið að þér. I am sick and tired of the pain in the community and all the retail traders like yourself slaughtered by the hefty brokers. Það er kominn tími til að borga til baka, it is time for me to give back and to make sure the small trader has evened the plates no more secrets and golden grails uncovered. Öll þekkingin sem ég er að kynna í þessari bók, comes from the school of hard knock, dýr greitt Fremri málþing, where real traders hang out, ekki truflað af nýliða. Hluti sem ég heyrði á golfvellinum? Segðu mér frá því, one of the guys I used to golf with executed only one trade a month, we used to call him the “ONE TRADE GUY”… How ridiculous that is? Hanga í kringum,playing golf all month until a certain currency goes to a such and such monthly level, and pull the trigger to wipe out all the people with red eyes staring at the screens day and night,að berjast við maka sína,wasting their lives in front of the broker platforms. I know what you are thinking "this guy is full of it!" Jæja, I am fed up with the usual story that hits every newbie trader like you and I don’t want you to have anything to do with it. Svo, Ég gef þér val: taktu þessa bók lesa hana, study and devour every single strategy (however don’t choke take it step by step), because it’s real, truth coming from a real trader (I wish I could stretch my hand over the monitor,I promise you! You could touch me.) Taktu stökk trúarinnar;you are a couple mouse clicks away from finding the real freedom and trading like a pro. Take the click of faith! Sjáumst hinu megin! Kaupmaður X

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