Forex Trading Using Price Action (Forex, Forex Trading, Price Action Trading, Price Action Candles, Currency Trading, Trading Strategy, Stock Trading)


ደረጃ መስጠት: 
የአማዞን ዋጋ: ኤን (ከሐምሌ ወር ጀምሮ 12, 2018 8:07 ነኝ – ዝርዝሮች). የምርት ዋጋዎች እና ተገኝነት ከተጠቀሰው ቀን / ሰዓት ትክክለኛ ናቸው እና ሊለወጡ ይችላሉ. በግ purchase ጊዜ በአማዞን ጣቢያ ላይ የሚታየው ማንኛውም የዋጋ እና ተገኝነት መረጃ ለዚህ ምርት ግዥ ይተገበራል.

Price Action applies not only to Forex Trading, but to any financial instrument including as Stocks, የወደፊቱ, አማራጮች, CFDs etc.

1000pip ገንቢ ማውረድ

If you can produce a chart, then Price Action Trading can be applied.

Price Action is all about making profits by the virtue of raw price movement and filtering out false signals when trading. Consequently, it provides clear insight about the current market conditions along with high reliability and an excellent risk-reward ratio towards the execution of what one aims fora perfect game plan. Assuming proper risk management, there is no reason why you can’t become a successful Forex Trader using this method once you have mastered the techniques described in this book.

An Introduction to Forex Trading Using Price Action is designed to enlighten you with the actual simplicity of this style of trading and provide the formula to obtain a clear insight into “Price Action Trading”. It will introduce to you, how to read past price and interpret the highly probable future movement of price in the real-time market. My vision is that after reading this, those new to this style of trading will be able to successfully identify the correct areas on a chart on where to enter and exit winning trades, and eventually move onto achieving financial success themselves.

So, let’s see if this trading style suits you, and in your future trading endeavors, may the Trading Gods be kind!

This book does NOT include:
Promises of untold wealth. YOU have to work for this within YOUR personal
comfort zone, psychological barriers and money management skills;Up-sells, side-sells, spamming – This is not my scene! I am not a marketer. I am a
trader and simply sharing information about Forex Trading.

1000pip Climber ስርዓት አውርድ

ይህ ግቤት የተለጠፈው በ ነው Forex Trading EA, ኢ-መጽሐፍት, ቪዲዮዎች, መጽሐፍት እና መለያ ተሰጥተዋቸዋል , , , , , , , , , . እልባት ያድርጉ permalink.

መልስ አስቀምጥ

የእርስዎ ኢሜይል አድራሻ አይታተምም. አስፈላጊ መስኮች ምልክት ተደርጎባቸዋል *


ምንድነው 10 + 5 ?
እባክዎን እነዚህን ሁለት መስኮች እንዳሉት ይተዉ:
አስፈላጊ! ለመቀጠል, የሚከተሉትን ቀላል ሂሳብ መፍታት ያስፈልግዎታል (ስለዚህ እርስዎ ሰው መሆንዎን እናውቃለን) :-)