Freedom Riders: John Lewis and Jim Zwerg on the Front Lines of the Civil Rights Movement


Amazon Ár: $18.95 $15.16 Ön takarít meg: $3.79 (20%) (július óta 11, 2018 7:07 délután – Részletek). A termék ára és elérhetősége pontosak, mint a dátum / idő megjelölésével, és változhatnak. Minden ár és a rendelkezésre álló információk jelennek meg az Amazon oldalon a vásárlás időpontjában érvényes lesz a vásárlás ebből a termékből.

Freedom Riders compares and contrasts the childhoods of John Lewis and James Zwerg in a way that helps young readers understand the segregated experience of our nation's past. It shows how a common interest in justice created the convergent path that enabled these young men to meet as Freedom Riders on a bus journey south.

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No other book on the Freedom Riders has used such a personal perspective. These two young men, empowered by their successes in the Nashville student movement, were among those who volunteered to continue the Freedom Rides after violence in Anniston, Alabama, left the original bus in flames with the riders injured and in retreat. Lewis and Zwerg joined the cause knowing their own fate could be equally harsh, if not worse. The journey they shared as freedom riders through the Deep South changed not only their own lives but our nation's history.

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