Getting Started in Currency Trading, + Companion Website: Winning in Today’s Market


Harga pikeun Amazon: $22.95 $21.19 Anjeun salamet: $1.76 (8%) (sakumaha dina Juli 11, 2018 7:48 pm – Rincian). Harga produk sareng kasadiaan pas sakumaha tanggal / waktu anu ditunjuk sareng tiasa robih. Sakur inpormasi harga sareng kasadiaan anu ditingal dina situs Amazon dina waktos pameseran bakal dilarapkeun kanggo mésér produk ieu.

The definitive introduction to FOREX trading

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Getting Started in Currency Trading, Fourth Edition is both an introduction and a reference manual for beginning and intermediate traders. Starting with a description of the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market and a brief history, the book includes an invaluable section made up of relevant FOREX terms clearly defined using examples. The FOREX market has grown substantially and evolved dramatically in recent years, and this new edition is designed to help the reader to adapt and take advantage of these changes.

Including coverage of how to open a trading account, a step-by-step walk through the physical processes of placing and liquidating currency orders, and information on trading strategy and tactics complete with fundamental and technical analysis, the book has everything needed to assist the trader in the decision making process.New edition is revised and expanded to take into account all of the recent changes in the currency marketNow includes a step-by-step introduction for the new trader and additional material on regulationFOREX arithmetic calculations are presented in a clear, easy to understand way Recommendations, guidelines, and caveats appear throughout the book

This new edition of Getting Started in Currency Trading contains significant new information, including a chapter on computers and FOREX, managed FOREX, and new information about regulation, alongside the author's successful trading plan, designed to help the reader put it all together.

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