[(Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques: a Contemporary Guide to the Ancient Investment Techniques of the Far East )] [Author: Steve Nison] [Nov-2001]


Amazon бағасы: $129.91 (шілдеде 12, 2018 2:11 кешке – Егжей). Өнімнің бағасы мен қол жетімділігі көрсетілген күн / уақытқа сәйкес келеді және өзгертілуі мүмкін. Сатып алу кезінде Amazon сайтында көрсетілетін кез-келген баға мен қол жетімділік туралы ақпарат осы өнімді сатып алуға қолданылады.

A form of technical analysis, Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be fused with any other technical tool, and will help improve any technician's market analysis. They can be used for speculation and hedging, for futures, equities or anywhere technical analysis is applied. Seasoned technicians will discover how joining Japanese candlesticks with other technical tools can create a powerful synergy of techniques; amateurs will find out how effective candlestick charts are as a stand-alone charting method. In easy-to-understand language, this title delivers to the reader the author's years of study, research and practical experience in this increasingly popular and dynamic approach to market analysis. The comprehensive coverage includes everything from the basics, with hundreds of examples showing how candlestick charting techniques can be used in almost any market.

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