Mastering Elliot Wave: Presenting the Neely Method: The First Scientific, Objective Approach to Market Forecasting with the Elliott Wave Theory (version 2)


אַמאַזאָן פּרייס: $95.00 $67.94 דו לייגסט אוועק: $27.06 (28%) (ווי פון יולי 11, 2018 5:37 נאָכמיטאָג – דעטאַילס). פּראָדוקט פּרייסיז און אַוויילאַבילאַטי זענען פּינטלעך פון די אנגעוויזן דאַטע / צייט און קענען זיין געביטן. קיין אינפֿאָרמאַציע וועגן פּרייַז און אַוויילאַבילאַטי וואָס איז געוויזן אויף דעם אַמאַזאָן פּלאַץ אין די צייט פון קויפן, וועט זיין גילטיק פֿאַר די קויפן פון דעם פּראָדוקט.

This work presents the first scientific, objective approach to market forecasting with the Elliott Wave Theory. The Theory, as introduced by R.N. Elliott in the early 1930's, defines, quantifies and classifies the seemingly random undulations of mass psychology (market action) into visual patterns.

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Unfortunately, in its original form, many concepts and ideas concerning real-time application of the Elliott Wave Theory were left to the analyst to discover. After over a decade of exhaustive research, real-time trading and teaching, author Glenn Neely has greatly expanded upon and refined the concepts first discovered by R.N. Elliott to help you more accurately apply them to your trading and investments. For the first time, these concepts are presented in a logical, step-by-step fashion in the actual order they should be applied to a chart. Consequently, all guess work typically associated with the Wave Theory has been eliminated for you.

If you yearn for both a greater understanding of the dynamics of price action and an ability to accurately forecast future price action, this book will help you achieve that goal like no other. It is widely regarded as the most complete explanation of Elliott Wave Theory availableand a feast for both novice and experienced Elliotticians alike.

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דעם פּאָזיציע איז געווען אַרייַנגעשיקט אין Forex Trading עאַ, עבאָאָקס, ווידיאס, ספר און טאַגד , , , , , , , . Bookmark די פּערמאַלינק.

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