Person on Candlesticks and Pivot Points: Trade Setups and Triggers (Book/DVD Set)


Amazon бағасы: $125.00 $125.00 Сен сақтайсың: (%) (шілдеде 12, 2018 11:28 мен – Егжей). Өнімнің бағасы мен қол жетімділігі көрсетілген күн / уақытқа сәйкес келеді және өзгертілуі мүмкін. Сатып алу кезінде Amazon сайтында көрсетілетін кез-келген баға мен қол жетімділік туралы ақпарат осы өнімді сатып алуға қолданылады.

This book/DVD set consists of John Person's Candlestick and Pivot Point Trading Triggers: Setups for Stock, Forex, and Futures Markets + Website and Candlesticks and Pivot Point Strategies DVD.

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Candlestick Pivot Point Trading Triggers shows you how to devise your own setups and triggers in the stock, форекс, and futures markets based on a moving average approach. The companion website contains the author's own Pivot Point Calculator and an instructional presentation on how to use it.

Candlesticks and Pivot Point Strategies DVD provides a detailed explanation of pivot point analysis and candlestick chart construction and reveals:

How to choose the correct support and resistance points to confirm your pivots
The precise way to combine these candle patterns with pivot points to increase the winning percentage
Which price data points are critical to finding profitable trades and why they could be costing you money now
Complete details of this proven formula that spots big moves before they happen, so you can get the gains

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