Tag arxivlari: Nisbatan quvvat ko'rsatkichi

Muntazam farqlanish nima??

Divergentsiya savdosi to'g'ri ishlatilganda, bu savdogar uchun izchil foyda olish vositasi bo'lishi mumkin. Tepaga yaqin va pastki qismga yaqin sotish minimal xavfga ega, chunki bu xavf ancha past va ba'zan hatto eng past darajadagi deb hisoblash mumkin. O'qishni davom ettiring

Joylashtirgan Forex texnik & Asosiy tahlil | Tagged , , , , , , , | Fikr qoldiring

Getting To Know RSI Relative Strength Index Better

It was believed that when the RSI shoots up past the 70 level the price is thought to be overbought. Conversely, the price is thought to be oversold if the RSI falls below the 30 level. It is thought to be neutral if the index reading falls between the two extremes. There is no trend if the RSI Relative Strength Index reading is 50. O'qishni davom ettiring

Joylashtirgan Forex indikatori | Tagged , , | Fikr qoldiring