The Basics of Forex Metatrader 4


Developed and launched in 2005, the Forex Metatrader 4, is now widely used as an electronic platform for trading foreign currencies online. Foreign exchange brokers usually acquire the software by purchasing a license for use in their online currency trading activities. The basic MT4 consists of two major components: the server and the client. The broker shall run the server component and the client will use the client component. The platform allows live streaming of prices, manage customer accounts and other currency trading activities which both broker and his clients can track in real time.

The MT4 was actually the fourth major revision of previous releases starting in 2000 by a company who specializes in software development for the financial markets. The software runs on Windows which became very popular among traders due to the fact that clients can automate trading by writing their own scripts.

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The complete version of the Forex Metatrader 4 has four more components in addition to the two major components found in its most basic version. These four additional components include MT4 Mobile, MT4 Administrator, MT4 Manager, and MT4 Data Center.

The MT4 Server is the core of the whole system. The server acts as the main processing center for a wide range of client requests from various client terminals. Among other things, the server transmits a variety of information to client terminals across the network such as news broadcasts and price quotes.

The Forex Metatrader 4 client side is provided free by the brokers to their clients. The platform provides users access to live streaming of price quotes and other trading activities in the foreign currency markets. MT4 uses MQL 4 as a scripting language that allows traders to create their own scripts, custom indicators and several other requests done in real time.

The MT4 Administrator which resides in the broker’s server allows the broker to manage the server from a remote terminal. The MT4 Manager which also resides in the server, allows the broker to take control of all accounts. The MT4 Data Center is a separate application that can be installed in a separate machine to serve as a proxy server, an intermediary between the client and the server. The MT4 Mobile is also a separate application used by the broker to manage customer accounts via mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets. The Forex Metatrader 4 is clearly a comprehensive tool you need in forex trading.

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