The Divine Code of Da Vinci, Фибоначи, Einstein & You


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The first book of its kind in history-a handbook for the practical application of the Secret Code of the Universe, Life and Success. This Code is the key to a vast treasure, hidden within you right now.

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The Divine Code is Nature's Secret Success Code, hardwired within everyone and woven through the Universe. It's behind history's great geniuses and their works. It illuminated Einstein to the Universe's mysteries at 12 and fascinated DaVinci, who encoded it within his masterpieces. This ubiquitous, open-secret Code appears in Apple's iPhone, the Great Pyramid, the works of Thomas Jefferson, Michael Jackson and Hollywood beauty expert Anastasia Soare-who demonstrated it on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Dan Brown devoted an entire chapter (20) to it in The Da Vinci Code.

The Divine Code guides the form and function, structure and movement, of everything in the Universe, from our micro DNA all the way to the macro galaxies. It's "Nature's Path of Least Resistance and Maximum Performance."

How can you apply the Code to create great health, relationships, wealth, peak performance and success of all measure?

The answers are in this book, where you'll meet great geniuses, discover secrets hidden since the dawn of time and learn how to apply this simple, profound Code to every facet of your life. The benefits of applying the Divine Code, i.e., the Golden Mean/Ratio (1.618), Golden Spiral, Rectangle, Star and Fibonacci Sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13are infinite and fascinating, including the activation of your own genius potential. Once activated, your genius can begin to manifest in your life.

You'll be joining the great company of Einstein, Da Vinci, Фибоначи, Pythagoras, Plato, Kepler, Asimov, Disney, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs-and countless other Divine Code geniuses throughout history. What separates them from you is only one thing. Their Divine Code was activated. The keys to activating your full genius and life potential are within the pages of this breakthrough book.

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