The Foreign Exchange Handbook: A User’s Guide


Prezz tal-Amazon: $130.00 (minn Lulju 11, 2018 9:52 jien – Dettalji). Il-prezzijiet tal-prodott u d-disponibbiltà huma eżatti mid-data / il-ħin indikati u huma suġġetti għal tibdil. Kull informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u d-disponibbiltà murija fuq is-sit tal-Amazon fil-ħin tax-xiri tapplika għax-xiri ta 'dan il-prodott.

A working reference for operating effectively in the foreign exchange markets. Covers in detail the major currency markets and the economic and technical influences on currency and money markets. Explains the calculations involved in standard foreign exchange and money market formulas. Examines financial futures and gold markets, payment systems, and exposure management and control. Fully cross-referenced with summary headings in the text for quick access to specific information. Five appendixes cover special topics in foreign exchange: key dates, currency basket calculations, Islamic value date calculations, more.

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