The Forex Millionaire : Cutting Edge Underground Secrets Cracking The Code Of Striking It Rich With Forex: Ultimate Dirty Little Secrets And Weird Unknown Tricks To Forex Riches


Amazon Pris: $47.93 $47.93 Du redder: (%) (fra juli 11, 2018 12:55 pm – detaljer). Produkt priser og tilgængelighed er nøjagtig som på den dato / tid og kan ændres. Enhver pris og tilgængelighed oplysninger vises på Amazon stedet på købstidspunktet, vil gælde for salg af dette produkt.

Wow , har du følt, living under a constant information overload waterfall…? Dette er, hvordan det normalt starter, you wake up in the morning and check the email in your phone, which leads you to a email with a link of an article, and then the article sends you to a couple more places …and it never ends. Se, Jeg har været der. Bog efter bog, efter program, then up to the latest and greatest webinar…and to even better article from A guru. Dag, efter dag, uge efter uge ... cyklen er tyktflydende. Se, in Forex there is no golden grail, der er ikke nogen hemmelighed vej. Everything that there was to be, er allerede sket. Det eneste spørgsmål, jeg har, er, hvis råd du følger? Are you following experienced traders, der er virkelig handler deres systemer, or you are following the big heads on TV and the people with the big book. Se det materiale, du er ved at læse, is a NO BS hard core to the bone content. INGEN fyldstoffer, ingen 40 pages on the current economic conditions. Se, what the big heads are not telling you is that Forex is a huge market, men det er ikke kontrolleret og centraliseret. As far as you are concerned Forex is as big as your broker. And if your broker is not a price maker, som er i de fleste tilfælde, you are ready to be slaughtered in the daily news events or any other tricks the broker will play on you. Se før jeg fortsætter, du behøver at vide noget, you need to stop the chase of the golden calf and anchor on a solid material, like the material presented in this book. I was lucky to learn the ropes from a master in Forex in the beginning of my Forex journey. I would call him Mr X for confidentiality purposes. Hr. X responded to a newbie question in one of the broker forums, revealing the plot of the broker…From then on I knew I had to find this guy and lean what he knows. Unfortunately the broker immediately closed the tread and that trader’s free advice was no longer available. I had PM ed the guy and had his email. For me this guy was the only light in the Forex channel of broker lies and gurus fake advice. But see there was a problem… This guy was not your regular guru trader, he has been doing his routine Forex staff for 25 år og for ham handel var noget mere end en verdslig opgave. Han bragte 25 til 30k om måneden på en regelmæssig baser, and was not excited to hear about me, uanset hvad jeg tilbyder. Eventually he agreed on a phone call and a several meetings. Den fyr er ikke længere rundt, but everything that learned from him is comprised in this book. Så du har et valg til at tage dette materiale, study it and make it your own and become a successful trader, or keep wandering in the jungle of information overload. Gør det nemt for dig selv, af denne bog og stoppe den viskose cyklus. Jeg har gjort alt det hårde arbejde for dig. You are just a couple clicks away from passing over. Tag et klik på tro. Se dig på den anden side.

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