The Holy Grail of Trading: Become successful in forex, stocks and other financial markets.


Ixabiso leAmazon: $34.99 (ukusukela ngoJulayi 11, 2018 9:29 ndim – Iinkcukacha). Amaxabiso emveliso kunye nokufumaneka kwawo kuchanekile ngokomhla / ixesha elibonisiweyo kwaye ziya kutshintsha. Naliphi na ixabiso kunye nolwazi lokufumaneka oluboniswe kwindawo yeAmazon ngexesha lokuthenga luya kusebenza ekuthengweni kwale mveliso.

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The holy grail of trading Many traders are looking for the holy grail of trading, but can’t find it. They search in the wrong direction or too far away. They under estimate the mental power of trading, or they don’t know how to reach this holy grail in themselves. “We need to learn to think and act differently, create a new ‘mind set’, one which often goes against our nature. Before you can achieve this you have a long way to go. This book will help you.” The holy grail of trading is all about the mindset you need to be succesful in trading. It shows you how to achieve great results by working on yourself. And it tells you how you do that. This book has allready saved many Dutch traders, lots of money. “Traders and investors, who add loss to loss, have to start looking at themselves, and not at the volatility of the markets. Many of the pitfalls are retraceable to emotional trading, which can leave massive holes in a trader’s portfolio. According to the writers of The Holy Grail of Trading only 20% of trading is knowledge, the other 80% is in your head. This is also the most important message of the book. Trading requires behaviour which goes against your intuition. This is why the many pitfalls to the traders are discussed. The fear to lose, getting out of a transaction to early, ignore their earlier decisions or trade too often. Many traders will sadly recognise themselves in this.” -De Financiële Telegraaf, the Netherlands, 6 October 2012 With the publication of this book, the website was launched. On this website traders can do several tests to test their discipline, emotion and mindset.

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