The Price of Normal (Killing People) (Bolumen 2)


Amazon Prezioa: $11.95 $11.95 Aurreztuko duzu: (%) (uztailetik aurrera 11, 2018 11:24 arratsaldeko – Xehetasunak). Produktuen prezioak eta erabilgarritasunak adierazitako data / ordua zehatzak dira eta aldatu egin daitezke. Erosketa unean Amazon gunean erakusten den prezio eta erabilgarritasunari buruzko informazioa produktu hau erosterakoan aplikatuko da.

Can a sociopath abandon his natural instincts and be “normal”? He uses several names but never his own since his death twelve years ago. Others have labeled him as a sociopath and he accepts that term and credits the sociopathy for his business success. Although he wants to change and be like normal people, he believes only the perfect woman can make that happen. While scouting a football game to feed his appetites, he spots her, and there’s no doubt in his mind that she’s The One. He executes the perfect plan to kidnap her and take her to his place in the country to have and to hold till death do them part. Unfortunately for him, the people who care for her won’t let that happen.

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