The Technical Analysis Course, Fourth Edition: Learn How to Forecast and Time the Market

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The Classic Introduction to Technical AnalysisFully Updated and Revised!

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The most reliable method for forecasting trends and timing market turns, technical analysis is as close to a "scientific" trading approach as you can get―and it is particularly valuable in today's volatile markets. The Technical Analysis Course, Fourth Edition, provides the know-how you need to make this powerful tool part of your overall investing strategy.

Through a series of lessons and exams, you'll master the techniques used by the most successful technical analysts in the market today. Updated with hundreds of real market examples, The Technical Analysis Course provides the essential foundation for using time-tested technical analysis techniques to profit from the markets. You'll learn how to: Identify profitable chart patterns, including reversals, consolidation formations, and gaps Utilize key analytical tools, including trendlines and channels, support and resistance, relative strength analysis, and volume and open interest Perform advanced analysis using moving averages, trading bands, Bollinger Bands, oscillators, the Relative Strength Index, stochastics, and moving average convergence-divergence Purchase stocks, bonds, фьючерс, and options when prices are near their bottoms and sell when prices are close to their highs


"If you are a neophyte in the markets, this may be the book for you. It won't turn you into an overnight market wizard. You will, however, acquire an excellent grasp of market terminology and be a step ahead toward trading success and fortune."
Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities

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