Арилжаа: The Best Of The BestTop Trading Tips For Our Times

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Амазоны үнэ: Хоосон (долдугаар сарын байдлаар 12, 2018 3:15 байна – Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл). Бүтээгдэхүүний үнэ, ашиглах хугацаа нь заасан огноо / цаг хугацааны хувьд үнэн зөв бөгөөд өөрчлөгдөх болно. Худалдан авах үед Amazon сайт дээр харуулсан үнэ, бэлэн байдлын талаархи мэдээлэл энэ бүтээгдэхүүнийг худалдан авахад хамаарна.

There is a temptation to discount tips as not providing real
value because by their nature they are short and simple.
That type of thinking is a mistake. A good tip is not an end;
it is the means to an end. It is the spark that makes you
think in more depth about a specific aspect of trading.

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On the following pages you will find over two hundred tips
from sixty different traders and investors. Some tips may
contradict others. Some may reinforce others. And some
you may never have heard before. But no matter what your
experience and skill level is in the markets, I think you will
find something of value in them.

However the most valuable thing about this book is how it addresses the four things that all other books on trading and investing lack;

This book was written in an eBook format specifically to
address that issue. As you read through this book you will
notice that each author is linked to, on both their social
presence (i.e. website) and StockTwits profile, after each
tip or piece of trading advice. It doesn’t matter if you read
this book today, or five years from today; you will always be
able to follow those links in order to get the most current
content of the authors.

The tips in this book come from traders who participate
in the current markets on a daily basis. For many of them
it is the ONLY source of income in their lives and they
understand the markets in a “real world” sense, not a
theoretical one.

Although many of the people in this book have decades of
experience at the highest levels of the trading profession,
nothing that is written in these pages will be out of reach
for the reader, and the ideas and advice contained within
will apply to anyone from the novice to the expert retail

Have you ever read a book from a “trading pro” and wished
you could get some clarification or expansion on a concept
they wrote about? Chances are you can if you subscribe to
their “exclusive” service or drop three grand to go to one
of their seminars. You won’t have that problem with the
contributors in this book.

Almost all of them are accessible on StockTwits or Twitter
and as long as you are sincere and respectful most will be
more than happy to dialogue with you.

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