Trading the worst-case scenario (Forex Trading On Paper)


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In this ebook series, Richard Martineau considers Forex trading analysis from a new perspective, and describes a trading approach based on a worst-case scenario.

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Worst-case trading is easy to understand, simple to implement, and it can help the beginner develop his/her own unique trading style, but with a more cautious approach.

This ebook is the sequel to How to read Forex price action, and is intended for beginners who have just started paper trading with a practice trading account. Although this book is written for beginners, it is not exhaustive, and therefore some background reading may be necessary.

Includes: how to trade the worst-case scenario, with price chart analysis and the underlying causes of price behaviour, price momentum, price trends, identifying and targeting market sentiment, identifying and targeting static and dynamic supply and demand, identifying and targeting support and resistance, identifying and targeting price trends. Also includes 57 chart illustrations.

This ebook is fully text-to-speech compliant.

Detaily produktu

  • Velikost souboru: 1080 KB
  • Délka tisku: 84 stránky
  • Vydavatel: Forex Publications Limited (březen 8, 2012)
  • Prodáno: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Jazyk: Angličtina
  • JAKO V: B007IURB0M
  • Text-to-Speech: Povoleno
  • X-Ray: Není povoleno
  • Půjčování: Není povoleno

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