Trading Tools and Tactics, + Vefsíða: Reading the Mind of the Market (Wiley viðskipti)


Amazon verð: $60.00 $26.50 Þú sparar: $33.50 (56%) (frá og með júlí 12, 2018 2:14 am – Upplýsingar). Vöruverð og framboð eru nákvæm frá og með dagsetningu / tíma sem tilgreind er og geta breyst. Allar upplýsingar um verð og framboð sem birtast á Amazon-síðunni við kaupin eiga við um kaup á þessari vöru.

From the founder of the leading online trading education company, a simple technical method to trade or invest

1000pip Builder Niðurhal

Many trading books present esoteric trading concepts and complicated indicators that may look good on paper when viewing the past, but prove ineffective in the real world.

Trading Tools and Tactics: Reading the Mind of the Market doesn't just make investing look easy; it makes trading easy by teaching you not only how to identify price moves, but by helping you understand why prices move the way they do.Covers managing trades and setting entries and stops, and helps you view how failed trades or chart patterns of the past can become new opportunitiesDescribes how to identify and understand supply and demand as it relates to resistance and support, as well as how to combine and read multiple time frames that offer the best opportunity to take profitsDetails both concepts and practical tools to use for life, not just the current market

Investing is all about finding the right price patterns to profit from by understanding support, resistance, trends, and volume?as well as identifying the best time frames to trade. Trading Tools shows you how to do just this.

1000pip Climber System niðurhal

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