Naon Divergénsi Biasa?


Divergence mangrupikeun indikator harga metodologis anu ngalir nalika cutatan langsung sareng osilator anu dibandingkeun sareng padagang FX nuju arah anu sanés. Nalika ngeunaan perdagangan forex, sinyal divergénsi lumangsung sareng parobihan anu bakal datang dina tren janten payun atanapi mundur. Nalika padagang ngajaga panon elang kana trend divergénsi, éta salaku indikasi yén kasempetan dagang beckons.

Nalika perdagangan divergénsi dimangpaatkeun leres, éta tiasa janten sarana kauntungan anu tetep pikeun padagang. Éta mangrupikeun résiko anu minimal pikeun ngajual caket ka luhur sareng caket ka handap kusabab bahaya jauh langkung handap sareng kadang tiasa dianggap paling minimum.

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So what should you be thinking about when a currency pair hits higher highs or lower lows? It means that the price can go higher or lower. So when the price makes high points or low points, it is only normal that the indicators follow through as well. If they do not, that means the price and indicator are diverging from one another and this means that the FX market might just pull backwards. This method works great with higher time frames.

Since this is a price action based on the relationship with a forex indicator, it is a smart move to use MACD for charts to identify divergence or possible trends. Najan kitu, this rule is not cast in stone. Other traders have been known to use trend indicators like Commodity Channel Index (CCI) and oscillators like Relative Strength Index (RSI) or Stochastic. When all is said and done, note that when it comes to divergence trading, price rules and should always be your prominent indicator.

There are 2 types of divergences namely, hidden and regular. Regular divergence is used for discerning trend reverses. For example, if the currency pair price is taking lower lows in a downward trend but the oscillator is developing higher lows, this is defined as regular bullish divergence and the price is expected to begin climbing.

Najan kitu, if the price hits higher highs and the oscillator is lower high then you should expect regular bearish divergence. This type of divergence is found in an upward trend. If the price hits a 2nd high and the oscillator makes a lower high, expect the price to retrogress and drop. The oscillators highlight a thrust shift and though the price has hit a higher high or lower low, it would not be constant.

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