4 Keys to Profitable Forex Trend Trading: Unlocking the Profit Potential of Trending Currency Pairs


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የአማዞን ዋጋ: $39.99 $22.21 እርስዎ ይቆጥባሉ: $17.78 (44%) (እስከ ጁላይ ድረስ 11, 2018 5:13 ከሰዓት በኋላ – ዝርዝሮች). የምርት ዋጋዎች እና ተገኝነት ከተጠቀሰው ቀን / ሰዓት ትክክለኛ ናቸው እና ሊለወጡ ይችላሉ. በግ purchase ጊዜ በአማዞን ጣቢያ ላይ የሚታየው ማንኛውም የዋጋ እና ተገኝነት መረጃ ለዚህ ምርት ግዥ ይተገበራል.

The forex market is huge, and the potential to make money from it immense, but how should you structure your trading in order to profit from it? Technical analyst Christopher Weaver shows you how to improve your trading of trending currency pairs using trend lines, channels, Fibonacci retracements and symmetrical triangles. These are the four keys to making money trading forex. And this is no surface guide; the author explores in-depth how every key works, why they are useful, their different variations, and, most importantly, two practical strategies for each which take full advantage of their strengths. The concepts behind the keys can sound mysterious, but Christopher lays bare their workings with plain English and sharp insight. Fully illustrated with charts and examples, this is a unique and essential guide to making successful trades in the most exciting market out there.

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