A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics: How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators (Wiley Trading)


Preu d'Amazon: $85.00 $56.93 Estalvieu: $28.07 (33%) (a partir de juliol 11, 2018 1:59 pm – Detalls). Els preus i la disponibilitat dels productes són exactes a la data / hora indicada i poden estar modificats. Qualsevol informació sobre preus i disponibilitat que es mostri al lloc d’Amazon en el moment de la compra s’aplicarà a la compra d’aquest producte.

A thorough trading guide from a professional trader
The Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics can help the new individual investor understand the mechanics of the markets. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, this book details what it takes to trade and shows readers how they can broaden their horizons by investing in the futures and options markets. The Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics outlines a variety of proven methodologies-pivot points, candlesticks, and other top indicators-so readers may use those that work best for them as well as make their own trading decisions without a second thought. Author John Person also shares his insights on a variety of trading technologies that will allow readers to gain a competitive edge in the market.
John L. Person (Palm Beach, FL) publishes The Bottom-Line Financial and Futures Newsletter, a weekly commodity publication that incorporates fundamental new developments as well as technical analysis using his trading system.

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