Day Trading: Cardinal Rules for Passive Income (invertir, inversió, Stock Investing)


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Become Financially Free Through Day Trading!

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You’ve decided to join the intense, fast-paced world of Day Trading. You’ve done some initial research, now you are ready to get started. You probably read my first book – Day Trading: Definitive Beginner’s Guide and now you’re ready to get to the next level. You’ve come to the right place! Day Trading: Cardinal Rules for Passive Income is the guideline that you need to help you reach the next level of trading confidence in the intraday market.

Ever wonder why, in a time when online trading makes the market so accessible, there are so few successful day traders? It sounds like such a great career – working from home, being your own boss and turning a massive profit right out the gate! What could go wrong? Well, it’s not nearly that simple! Many traders enter the market unaware of the level of knowledge and hard work that goes into becoming a successful day trader! Beginner mistakes can be costly; so much so that it could knock you right out of the game. This book will help you avoid those mistakes by teaching you about the common errors and how to circumvent them!

If you are looking to become a successful Day Trader, this is the book for you! Whether you are motivated by the prospects of building a solid nest egg for your retirement, quitting your 9 a 5 day job to pursue your passion, or just having some additional disposable income for travel and other needs, the strategies in this book are designed to get you there without wasting your time. There is no fluff in this book- just pure profit.

Here is what you will learn
Exactly how to create your detailed trading plan, with step-by-step guidance How to choose a broker that will work for youProven, beginner-friendly strategies for entering the marketChoosing the Right Stocks to TradeHow to determine the best time of day to enter tradesAnd Much much more!

Don’t wait any longer to start making money. Take action and PURCHASE THIS BOOK to become a highly skilled and successful Day Trader today!

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