EUR/GBP in a Nutshell: A Simple Guide for trading EUR/GBP in the Forex Market


Амазон Прице: Н / А (од јула 12, 2018 4:13 сам – Детаљи). Цене и доступност производа су тачни на наведени датум / време и могу се променити. Све информације о цени и доступности приказане на Амазон веб локацији у тренутку куповине односиће се на куповину овог производа.

Over the years I spent studying Forex I read many books and have spoken to many traders from around the world and I noticed something. We all suffered from “information overload” at one time or another. So I designed this strategy guide specifically for people who already familiar with Forex but are still looking for a clear-cut strategy without all the noise. I’ve kept this guide short, simple and to the point.

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In this guide you will learn how to make hundreds of pips using my simple set of rules along with detailed examples of when to enter a trade and when to avoid entering trades. I will also provide you with the indicator & time frame needed that makes this strategy work best.

PLEASE NOTE: This guide was designed to be viewed in color. If you have a black & white eReader the charts might not be as clear to read. This strategy was designed to work best with EUR/GBP but also works well with other pairs.

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