Foreign Exchange Breakout Systems


אַמאַזאָן פּרייס: N / A (ווי פון יולי 12, 2018 7:56 בין – דעטאַילס). פּראָדוקט פּרייסיז און אַוויילאַבילאַטי זענען פּינטלעך פון די אנגעוויזן דאַטע / צייט און קענען זיין געביטן. קיין אינפֿאָרמאַציע וועגן פּרייַז און אַוויילאַבילאַטי וואָס איז געוויזן אויף דעם אַמאַזאָן פּלאַץ אין די צייט פון קויפן, וועט זיין גילטיק פֿאַר די קויפן פון דעם פּראָדוקט.

Foreign Exchange Breakout Systems describes in detail how to find resistance and support levels which lead to profitable trades once price penetrates these levels. The systems are described in great detail, and are purely objective. This allows for detailed testing over the last ten years. Performance data for these systems is provided, as well as statistical evidence that these systems work. The book is aimed at intermediate and advanced Foreign Exchange traders who are looking for new ways to trade the markets in a profitable way. The Appendix includes MT4 code snippets that allows the reader to implement Expert Advisors (also known as robots) to trade the systems automatically in MetaTrader, the de facto standard trading software in the Foreign Exchange Market. The book covers the traditional Turtle System applied to the Foreign Exchange Market as well as looking at intra-week and intra-day strategies, sutiable for traders who have a shorter time horizon in mind. The systems are robust and have been tested across a variety of parameters, and show consistent performance.

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דעם פּאָזיציע איז געווען אַרייַנגעשיקט אין Forex Trading עאַ, עבאָאָקס, ווידיאס, ספר און טאַגד , , , . Bookmark די פּערמאַלינק.

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