Forex DeMYSTiFieD: A Self-Teaching Guide


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The quick and easy guide to profiting in the WORLD'S LARGEST MARKET!

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When you read about forex, does it seem like a foreign language to you? Get going in one of today's hottest markets with this comprehensive, plain-language guide.

Forex DeMYSTiFieD illuminates the key concepts you need to know and explains how to utilize them in the real world. It teaches you how currency trading and overall investing relate and the role of forex in international business and the corporate world.

This self-teaching guide explains everything in easy-to-understand terms and proven methods. It presents numerous examples and exercises to illustrate the investing techniques that work best. With chapter-ending quizzes, and final exam questions, Forex DeMYSTiFieD is the only book you need to get started inand start profiting fromone of the world's biggest financial markets.

This self-teaching guide provides everything you need to: Understand core currency trading concepts Predict currency movements with fundamental and technical analysis Develop your own risk/reward tolerance Financially and emotionally prepare to trade in the forex market Simple enough for a novice but challenging enough for an experienced investor, Forex DeMYSTiFieD helps you make the most of your money while keeping it out of harm's way.

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