Forex For Ambitious Beginners: A Guide to Successful Currency Trading

 Yuklab oling

Amazon narxi: $20.00 $16.00 Sen saqlaysan: $4.00 (20%) (Iyul holatiga 11, 2018 7:51 kechqurun – Tafsilotlar). Mahsulot narxi va mavjudligi ko'rsatilgan sana / vaqt bo'yicha aniq va o'zgarishi mumkin. sotib olish vaqtida Amazon saytida ko'rsatilgan har qanday narx va mavjudligi ma'lumot Ushbu mahsulot sotib murojaat qiladi.

There are many books that promise to teach you highly profitable trading systems, to show you how easy making money trading the forex really is. This is not one of those books. Forex for Ambitious Beginners will not turn you into a profitable trader, only you can do that, through practice, study and persistence. But this book will help you avoid many, many mistakes beginning traders make. You will learn essential elements of successful forex trading, such as how to protect your trading capital, how to find a forex trading strategy that matches with your trader personality and how to build your own trading system and tweak it for optimum performance. The book will also touch on important basics about the FX market that traders need to know about. Who the players on the forex are for instance, and which factors influence the most important currencies. Other topics include specific forex trading strategies, popular technical indicators, how to read candlestick charts and how to recognize chart patterns. Forex for Ambitious Beginners is about minimizing risk and maximizing potential, about looking for ways to continuously bend the odds in your favor. It will provide you with a solid foundation on which you can start building your forex trading career. The book concludes with a challenging quiz, offering detailed explanations of the correct answers. In short, if you're ambitious and want to really learn how to trade the forexas opposed to being spoon-fed a fantasy about some super strategythen Forex for Ambitious Beginners is for you. About the author Jelle Peters is the founder of the popular forex website He writes daily currency analysis, has published numerous articles on forex strategies and is a sought after speaker for forex webinars and seminars. See also

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