Forex Trading Secrets | A Trading System Revealed


Amazon Price: Ikke relevant (per juli 12, 2018 12:08 pm – detaljer). Produktpriser og tilgjengelighet er nøyaktige fra datoen / klokkeslettet som er angitt og kan endres. All informasjon om pris og tilgjengelighet som vises på Amazon-siden på kjøpstidspunktet, vil gjelde for kjøp av dette produktet.

Forex Trading Secrets reveals a trading system for the Euro Currency futures and forex. We start with a strategy we developed and published in June 2007 and go through a series of steps to analyze and improve the results. We use rule isolation and stochastic filtering to increase the average trade profit and equity curve. We also reveal two other strategies that could be traded. One of the strategies could be traded manually with a smart phone. The final strategy is a trading system that can be traded from 6-11 pm CST, which provides a unique opportunity to trade the after hours markets.

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The software we use to develop the strategy is the Tradestation platform.

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