Guerrilla Trading Tactics with Oliver Velez [DVD]


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Reap large market gainsconsistentlywhen you master the unique market style of Oliver Velez, called "Guerrilla Trading". Practiced by the world's most successful short-term traders, this "hit and run" market move gets you in and out of trades quicklyat the right timeswith profits in tow. 50 + pages of online material are available from sellers. Even veteran market professionals admit that today's investment arena is more confusing than ever before. Market trends, if they develop at all, tend to be short-lived, and fundamental valuations are frequently invalid. So what can you do to succeed in such a chaotic financial environment? Adopt a "guerrilla" style of trading. Forget long-term thinking. Abandon buy-and-hold strategies. Instead, hit the market with quick, profit-grabbing attacks. Relying on time-tested technical trading patterns for entry and exit cues, Oliver Velez shows how to raid the markets for consistent short-term profits using "guerilla" tactics that boast historic success rates of 80% or moreand now he shares these winning market moves with you. Don't keep making the same old mistakes with the same old techniques. Join Oliver Velez today and learn … 1) How to handle a market without a recognizable trend. 2) 13 best tactics in the guerrilla trader's arsenal. 3) 2 key strategy approaches: trading to build wealth or trading for income. 4) Special tactics for playing excess volatilityand for stable markets. 5) Micro trading, the elements of swing trading, candlestick charts, bullish and bearish chart patternsand more!

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