How NOT to Trade ForexAvoid These 5 Forex Financial Fumbles


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Stop WA$TING Money! – "How NOT to Trade Forex"
(Foreign-Exchange Currency Trading) helps YOU avoid these five Forex Financial Fumbles.

Visit the "dark side" of trading so that you, the unsuspecting trader, are aware of what you're up against.

BUT It can be fixed! That's the good news.
The bad news is that it cost the author many thousands of dollars and it's the author's aim to put a somewhat "wise head on young shoulders" so YOU don't have to go through the same pain and agony and catastrophic loss of cash!

The Forex Fumbles cover:Trading with cash you can't afford to lose Moving Stops and/or NOT using them properly Using incorrect lot sizes, creating too much at risk Trading live without prior demo success Trading just to be "in a trade"BONUS chapters: How psychology plays a HUGE role; "Too Many Indicators"; the role of Different Time Frames; and Trading Strategies and Time Frames.

Thank You for reading this intro., get your copy today and please feel free to leave a review. Your feedback is important, it helps others decide if this book will be worthwhile to them too. (The author wishes they'd had THIS book before they started trading!)

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