How To Trade Forex : Underground Weird Tricks And Little Dirty Secrets To Embarrassing Should Be Illegal Forex Profits: Fix Your Money Problems, Bust The Recession, ඕනෑම තැනක ජීවත් වන්න, නව ධනවතුන් සමඟ සම්බන්ධ වන්න


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I will tell you more about my book later, but first, let me tell you a story to make my point even more clear. The other day I took my wife to a B&B to an island not too far from where I live. We drove about 30 min to get to the place It was a beautiful day the sun was up. The ocean was calm and nice, no wind you could glide on the surface if you wanted to. Man…this island was beautiful, flowers blooming everywhere in February. Keep reading we will get to the strawberries! So I get to this B&B, my wife is like gleaming can’t wait to see what’s in the house, the house was set up in a old colonial style at least that’s what my wife told me. So before I get in the house I go around, cause there is a beautiful garden and I see that there is a basement floor which is completely empty. By the way what I am telling you has a lot to do with Forex trading, I have a purpose to my madness, so bear with me. But before I go further let me tell you what happened. I go and ask the host about the basement floor… you know why they are not using it, looks decent to me. So she goes ahead and tells me at least a dozen hurricane stories and how last time there was a hurricane, the water stood up eight feet strong on the street and that floor was always stuck under water and had to be completely wiped out and cleaned and how they decided not to use it any more. See my friend Forex trading can be like that beautiful island and a gorgeous paradise… The problem is that storms and hurricanes are a normal events in tropical paradise. The reason I wrote this book is so you don’t end up being on the basement of Forex and get flushed every time there is a hurricane. If you are newbie or even a somewhat experienced trader, but live in the basement of Forex, you will get wiped out every single time. I promise you! The basement of Forex is full with indicator worship going on, in all kinds of indicator temples. Of course your broker is leading the main quire… fast to give you the free education and all of the stochastic, bands and other ropes so you can hang yourself fast. See in most cases your broker is on the opposite side of your trades unless he is an ECN broker(tip there is no guarantees the ECN brokers are not doing it, since they have all the info of your trades and stops.) So basically they have to hedge your trades, because they are not a price maker, but continually bidding for better quotes from the banks. So you the innocent retail trader enter the trade and the slaughter begins. I am sick and tired of seeing innocent hard working people, like you get slaughtered every day by the broker. I wrote this book for you, so it doesn’t happen again. I have done all the hard work for you, and put a system that will give you a step by step guidance for success with Forex. You are just a few keyboard clicks away from getting your eyes open to the Forex reality and trading like the pros. Take a click of faith, punch few buttons and jump the gap. See you on the other side!

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මොකක්ද 3 + 6 ?
කරුණාකර මෙම ක්ෂේත්‍ර දෙක පවතින ආකාරයටම තබන්න:
වැදගත්! ඉදිරියට යාමට හැකිවීම, ඔබ පහත සරල ගණිතය විසඳිය යුතුය (එබැවින් ඔබ මිනිසෙකු බව අපි දනිමු) :-)