How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle to Improve Your Options Trading StrategiesVol. 2: Range Bound Strategies (How to Use the Elliott Wave PrincipleTrading Strategies: Range Bound Strategies)


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This eCourse Book introduces the standard textbook definitions of various options strategies and then explains how to apply them in the context of Elliott wave analysis, using real-world price charts. My name is Wayne Gorman, and I am Senior Tutorial Instructor at Elliott Wave International. I have over 25 years of experience in trading, forecasting, and portfolio management. I’ve been using the Wave Principle since 1986.
In this volume, we will discuss range-bound strategies, including the covered call, covered put, bear call spread, bull put spread, long butterfly and long condor. In each chapter, we will review the basic description that you would see in most option textbooks and discuss how you can use Elliott wave to manage these strategies.
As you proceed through the course, keep in mind the approach: Given any one of the strategies, I will show how you can best implement and manage it while using the Elliott Wave Principle. I don’t mean to imply that any of these strategies is better or worse than going outright long or short, or that you should use any of these strategies in particular. These all happen to be strategies that various option traders use. If you already feel comfortable using one or more of these strategies, then this course will show you how to use Elliott wave to improve upon how you implement and manage that strategy.
Editor’s note: This webinar was originally presented live on October 29, 2008.

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