Intro to ValueCharts® and Price Action Profiles® ( Active Trader Series)


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Throughout history traders and investors have relied on traditional price charts as one of their primary market analysis tools. While most market participants are familiar with traditional price charts (plotting price in terms of cost), they are not aware that price can also be plotted in terms of value using ValueCharts®


Considered by many to be the most exciting new technical trading tools of the 21st Century, ValueCharts® and Price Action Profiles® should be a part of every trader’s arsenal. For the first time ever, there is a way to determine the valuation of any exchange traded market worldwide by using ValueCharts®. Furthermore, by using Price Action Profiles®, traders and investors can also determine the degree that any market is overvalued or undervalued.

ValueCharts® will give traders and investors the revolutionary ability to place trades using valuation language. While many investors think that it is impossible to “buy low and sell high,” they will soon discover that it is possible to buy undervalued assets and sell overvalued assets. Until now there has not been a universally accepted way to actually define market valuation for the investment industry.

ValueCharts® and Price Action Profiles® are advancing the exciting new science of market valuation and can be found at Enjoy reading “Intro to ValueCharts® and Price Action Profiles®” as you learn about these exciting new value-based market analysis tools. Visit to find many other powerful and exciting valuation based trading tools.

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